6 little eggs
6 little eggs on the run
they f*ck each other three goes
boom dubi dom
watch out be safe so
3 little eggs had sex
1 win and 2 explode goes
boom dubi dom
watch out be safe so
2 little eggs in the sun
one sleep too long goes
boom boom boom dubi dom
the story ends with 1 little egg
was blind make suicide with a pen
bomb boom dubi dom
another story come
snart börjar vi, mmmmm
undrar hur emme mår.. har ingen cigg kvar ör hur sad som helst.. och då enda hoppet sviker blir man less, madde where did you go wrong? aja här spelas det cs HS HS HS HS
they f*ck each other three goes
boom dubi dom
watch out be safe so
3 little eggs had sex
1 win and 2 explode goes
boom dubi dom
watch out be safe so
2 little eggs in the sun
one sleep too long goes
boom boom boom dubi dom
the story ends with 1 little egg
was blind make suicide with a pen
bomb boom dubi dom
another story come
snart börjar vi, mmmmm
undrar hur emme mår.. har ingen cigg kvar ör hur sad som helst.. och då enda hoppet sviker blir man less, madde where did you go wrong? aja här spelas det cs HS HS HS HS